*** ----> Dogfight organisers get activists’ goat | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Dogfight organisers get activists’ goat



Animal activists have heavily come down on pet abusers after two video clippings of dogfighting went viral on social media. A case has already been filed at Isa Town police station, requesting authorities to initiate action against the dogfight organisers.

The incident came to light after a social media user posted a photograph of a pit bull, stating that the dog is for sale. The pit bull was skinny and in a poor state.

Immediately, a person contacted the pit bull seller, asking for the price of the dog. The pit bull seller said that he was ready to sell it for BD40. In the meantime, the pit bull seller invited the prospective buyer to attend dogfights, stating that he had been organising such fights since a long time. 

The pit bull seller also sent some of the video clippings of previous dogfights organised by him to the prospective buyer via WhatsApp. 

The prospective buyer immediately forwarded the video to an animal activist, who later posted them on social media.

According to the animal activist, the video might have been taken long back. “But the pit bull, which was offered for BD40, definitely had been used for dogfight as a dog found in the dogfight video resembles the pit bull. He is selling the pit bull since it is unable to participate in fights anymore,” the animal activist commented. 

Though the exact location where the video had been recorded is not known, the animal activist added that the dogfight incident might have taken place in Jurdab. 

According to sources, the case against the dogfight organiser was filed on Tuesday late night. A CD of dogfight videos was submitted yesterday.