*** ----> Role model of religious tolerance | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Role model of religious tolerance

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi yesterday, in the presence of Justice, Islamic Affairs and Endowments Minister, launched the redevelopment project of Shreenathji (Shree Krishna) Temple and Thattai Hindu Merchants Community (THMC) Complex here.

During the event, also attended by the Board of Trustees Chairman of the King Hamad Global Centre for Peaceful Coexistence, Dr Shaikh Khalid bin Khalifa Al Khalifa, and members of the Indian community in Bahrain, Prime Minister Modi expressed delight over visiting the Shreenathji temple, which is among the oldest Hindu temples in the region, noting that it embodies the strength of the Bahraini-Indian relations, and it is a living proof of the freedom of belief and cultural openness that characterise the two friendly countries.


Justice Minister, in a statement to Bahrain News Agency (BNA), highlighted the importance of the Indian Prime Minister’s visit to Bahrain in boosting the long-standing bilateral relations. “The visit of Prime Minister Modi to the temple crowns the distinguished deep-rooted relations between the two countries.

Throughout this long common history, peoples have interacted, which have had an impact on their cultures and customs. The existence of an Indian community within Bahrain’s social fabric is a living proof of the tolerance and peaceful co-existence values that  have always characterised Bahrain since old times,” he said.

“The visit of the Prime Minister of India is a major event that affirms that the Bahraini-Indian relations are deep-rooted and date back centuries ago,” he added.

“We look forward to continue enhancing bilateral relations so as to move to broader levels, and there are prospects for further cooperation and the creation of another history that extends to many years. India is a big country and we see it as part of our history and there are economic opportunities in which the two countries can invest in the future,” he also said.


Dr Shaikh Khalid bin Khalifa Al Khalifa stressed that the Hindu Temple which the Indian Prime Minister had visited stands witness to the cultural diversity and peaceful co-existence prevailing in Bahrain since old times. “Throughout history, Bahrain has always been a commercial centre that has attracted merchants and scholars from around the world.

For them, Bahrain was an oasis of safety and an ideal place to settle thanks to its tolerance and peaceful co-existence values. Also, freedom of belief and worship was granted to everybody, and the construction of the houses of worship was allowed without any interference or restrictions,” he said.

“This Hindu temple confirms that the Al Khalifa rulers of Bahrain began a policy of religious tolerance more than 200 years ago, and before the establishment of organisations and NGOs which call for freedoms, which proves that peaceful coexistence in Bahrain has been rooted since ancient times,” he added.