*** ----> Trade tops bilateral co-operation talks | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Trade tops bilateral co-operation talks

Bahrain and India have agreed to boost their relations and co-operation in several areas, signing three MoUs and reaffirming their commitment to pluralism, values of tolerance, peaceful coexistence and religious freedom. At the end of a state visit by Narendra Modi, Indian Prime Minister to the Kingdom, the two sides issued a joint statement that stressed the close bilateral ties, deep-rooted shared history and cultural affinities.

“The wide-ranging discussions were held in a sincere, friendly and forward-looking atmosphere with useful exchanges of views on bilateral, regional and multilateral issues of mutual interest,” the joint statement said. During the official meetings, the two sides underlined their close bilateral ties, deep-rooted in shared history and cultural affinities, sustained and nourished through growing economic linkages and close people-to-people contacts.

“The wide-ranging discussions were held in a sincere, friendly and forward-looking atmosphere with useful exchanges of views on bilateral, regional and multilateral issues of mutual interest,” a joint statement said. The two sides expressed satisfaction with the current state of bilateral relations and agreed to further broaden and deepen the engagement in diverse fields of mutual interest, and underlined the importance of enhancing high-level political exchanges, defence and higher education cooperation, trade and economic relations and people-to-people linkages.

Both sides welcomed the efforts of the High Joint Commission between Bahrain-India. During the meetings, the two sides also noted the increasing trend of bilateral trade and existing potential for two-way investments, reaffirmed their desire to provide favourable environments for trade and investments, the statement said. The Indian side welcomed the interest of the Kingdom of Bahrain to join the International Solar alliance (ISA), recognising the importance of it as international intergovernmental organisation, which has become an effective platform to facilitate the deployment of solar energy.



Both sides reaffirmed their condemnation of terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, regardless of the identity of the perpetrators and their motives, and they agreed to further enhance cooperation in the field of security, counter-terrorism and the exchange of intelligence and information. The two sides also exchanged views on regional and international issues of mutual interest. 

The two sides also noted the need for concerted action by the international community against terrorism including through early adoption of the UN Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism and underlined the importance of comprehensive sanctioning of terrorists and their organisations by the UN. Expressing satisfaction on their ongoing bilateral co-operation in the area of security, two sides welcomed the ‘Security Dialogue’ meetings at regular intervals, at the level of Deputy National Security Advisors.

The two sides discussed ways and means to further promote cooperation in cyber security, including prevention of use of cyber space for terrorism, radicalisation and for disturbing social harmony. Both sides called on all states to reject the use of terrorism against other countries; dismantle terrorism infrastructures where they happen to exist and to cut off any kind of support and financing to the terrorists perpetrating terrorism from all territories against other states; and bring perpetrators of acts of terrorism to justice.  

The two sides agreed to focus on enhancing cooperation in energy, covering the areas of joint exploration and training of human resources. Mr Modi congratulated Bahrain on the recent discovery of huge oil and Gas reserves. The Indian side highlighted the interest of its energy companies to pursue opportunities of conventional exploration as well as development of newly discovered oil and gas assets in Bahrain.