*** ----> Rein in Iran: CP to Obama | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Rein in Iran: CP to Obama

US rules out military pact with Arab Gulf states



The US has ruled out a military pact with the Arab Gulf states citing the complexities of forming a treaty in the Middle East. Ben Rhodes, the US deputy national security adviser for strategic communication, said that the US was committed to the defence of Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries, but a formal treaty would not happen in the near future.


"A treaty is not what we're looking for. It took decades to build NATO and the Asian allies but we can provide clear assurances that we will come to their defence," Rhodes said, alluding to a prospective alliance with the Gulf countries.


The comments came a day before US President Barack Obama meets leaders of the GCC at a summit at Camp David. Gulf and US leaders are expected to the address the former's security concerns, with tensions heightened with between the regional powers because of Iran's support for Houthi fighters in Yemen and the Assad government in Syria.


An Arab military coalition has launched air strikes in Yemen to to halt a Houthi offensive and restore the government of exiled President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi. Both Saudi Arabia and Qatar also back Syrian fighters battling to overthrow the Iranian-backed Syrian government.


The countries are expected to press the US for a written commitment to defend them incase of an Iranian attack. In a related development, Iran has announced it is sending an aid ship to Yemen, prompting a fresh war of words with the US.


Iranian Brigadier-General Masoud Jazayeri warned the US against stopping the ship, after the US said it was tracking its movements. Jazayeri said that if Saudi Arabia or the US "continue to create obstacles on Iran's aid delivery, a fire might start that would definitely be out of their control". 


Crown Prince attends banquet hosted by Obama 


His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Crown Prince, Deputy Supreme Commander and First Deputy Prime Minister, attended a dinner banquet at the White House hosted by President Barack Obama in honour of the heads of the delegations participating in the US-GCC summit.

During the dinner, Prince Salman expressed Bahrain’s hope that the US-GCC meetings at Camp David would contribute to strategic efforts to address complex emerging challenges the region faces. He also noted the summit’s contribution to strengthening the strategic alliance between GCC countries and the US.