*** Bahrain Award for Entrepreneurship fourth edition launched by Tamkeen | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahrain Award for Entrepreneurship fourth edition launched by Tamkeen

Under the patronage of His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Crown Prince, Deputy Supreme Commander and First Deputy Prime Minister, the La - bour Fund “Tamkeen” has an - nounced the launch of the Bah - rain Award for Entrepreneurship in its fourth edition for the year 2019-2020.  In line with the Bahrain Eco - nomic Vision 2030, the launch of the fourth edition supports the Kingdom’s efforts in further strengthening the private sector to become the main driver of eco - nomic growth.

Speaking on the occasion, the Chief Executive of Tamkeen, Dr Ebrahim Mohammed Janahi, said: “The Bahrain Award for Entrepreneurship commences for its fourth consecutive year as a result of the continued Royal directives aimed at further en - hancing the Kingdom’s economic development, through support - ing diversification efforts driven by innovation and knowledge. “The Award’s purpose is to support the Kingdom’s com - prehensive development, in line with the Bahrain Economic Vi - sion 2030. And as part of Tam - keen’s longstanding mission, the Award continues to bolster the private sector’s efforts in further strengthening the Kingdom’s economy, through supporting and honouring local entrepre - neurs.”

Tamkeen highlighted that they will be accepting applications and nominations from enterprises commencing on Thursday, 05 September 2019 until Saturday, 05 October 2019. Businesses and entrepreneurs can register and nominate in the following seven categories: Mi - croenterprise of the Year, Startup of the Year, SME of the Year, Enterprise of the Year with In - ternational Footprint, Sustaina - ble Business Award, and Female Entrepreneur of the Year. The seventh award category is the Lifetime Achievement Award, which honours the longstanding achievements of an accomplished Bahraini entrepreneur who has had a positive influence and made significant contributions to developing Bahrain’s local econ - omy and community.

Applications and nominations can be made through the website at www.bahrainae.com wherein an eligibility criterion is set and additional information regarding each category is available. Appli - cants are required to address a set of questions and provide in - formation related to the relevant category. The prestigious Award was launched in 2015, under the pa - tronage of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince. It is a pioneer - ing national program aimed at motivating and inspiring local business owners to contribute to Bahrain’s economic prosper - ity.

The Award provides a lead - ing local platform structured to enhance business innovations and promote the culture of en - trepreneurship in the Bahraini community. The Award holds an impor - tance in developing the perfor - mance of Bahrain-based organi - sations and in further strengthen - ing the Kingdom’s entrepreneuri - al competitiveness regionally and internationally.

The fourth edition is anticipat - ed to attract a greater number of participants in the wake of the continuous growth of the entre - preneurship sector in Bahrain, along with the growing desire of local entrepreneurs to compete for the Award.  For further information re - garding the Bahrain Award for Entrepreneurship, visit www. bahrainae.com or social media channels @bahrainae.