*** ----> HRH Premier congratulates BBS chairman on re-election | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

HRH Premier congratulates BBS chairman on re-election

His Royal Highness Prime Minister Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa has sent a cable of congratulations to the Board of Directors Chairman of the Bahrain Bar Society (BBS), Lawyer Hassan Ahmed Bedaiwi, on his re-election to his post. HRH Premier stressed that Bedaiwi’s re-election as BBS chief reflects lawyers’ confidence in him.

The Prime Minister lauded the advanced level reached by the legal profession in Bahrain, wishing BBS’ board chairman and members every success in serving the nation. HRH the Prime Minister received a cable of thanks from BBS’ board chairman in reply to his congratulations to him on his re-election.

Lawyer Hassan Ahmed Bedaiwi extended, on behalf of BBS board, sincere thanks, appreciation and gratitude to HRH Premier for congratulating them on their win over the phone. He noted that HRH Premier’s call has had a positive impact on them, and proves the Prime Minister’s constant interest in everyday events in Bahrain. 

He pledged to support HRH Premier’s ‘constructive’ efforts to enhance Bahrain’s progress, and said that he is looking forward to meeting him soon.

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