*** ----> Over 2000 smuggled birds seized | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Over 2000 smuggled birds seized


Many smuggled birds were confiscated at King Fahad Causeway recently while being transported to Saudi Arabia from Bahrain, Saudi media reported.

Several Saudi publications, reported that “custom services succeeded in foiling an attempt to smuggle 2470 birds into the Kingdom.”

King Fahad Causeway Customs General Director Dhaifallah Al Otaibi explained that the birds were hidden in four vehicles coming from Bahrain. Al Otaibi added the birds were stashed in wooden boxes. He also revealed the smugglers also made custom ventilation tubes inside the cars to ensure the airflow inside the boxes. 

He confirmed Saudi Arabia bans any form of import of live birds, except hatching eggs and chicks under supervision of an official party. 

The incident, however, was not reported by Bahraini authorities.  

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