*** ----> UN decision to raise Palestine flag welcomed | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

UN decision to raise Palestine flag welcomed

Ministry of Foreign Affairs welcomes plan to hoist flag at UN Headquarters   


 The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has welcomed the decision issued by the General Assembly of the United Nations (UN) to hoist the flag of the State of Palestine at UN Headquarters.

 Terming it as historic decision, the Ministry said, “It’s an advanced step towards Palestinian people’s regain of legitimate rights, in line with the Arab Peace Initiative and on the basis of international legitimacy and relevant UN resolutions,” the Ministry said in a statement yesterday.

The UN General Assembly voted on Thursday to allow the Palestinians to raise their flag at its headquarters in a diplomatic victory in their campaign for statehood.

A resolution was adopted by member states with 119 in favour, eight voting against -- including Israel and the United States -- and 45 abstentions.

The text allows the flags of Palestine and the Holy See -- both of which have non-member observer status -- to be hoisted alongside those of the member states.

The UN now has 20 days to implement the move, which would be in time for a visit by Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas on September 30.

"It is a symbolic thing, but another step to solidify the pillars of the state of Palestine in the international arena," said Riyad Mansour, the Palestinian representative to the UN.

In Paris, Palestinian Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah called the flag vote "a step on the road towards Palestine becoming a full member of the United Nations."

Meanwhile, European nations were divided on the move, with France, Russia and Sweden voting in favour while others such as Britain, Germany, Austria, Finland, the Netherlands and Cyprus abstained.

Responding to the development, Israel Ambassador Ron Prosor said that the Palestinians "cynically manipulate the UN to score political points." According to Prosor, "no vote can turn an empty symbolic gesture into a state.

"The international community must make it clear to the Palestinians that the only way to achieve statehood is through direct negotiations," he remarked.