*** ----> ‘Tobacco bus’ seized in major haul in Muharraq | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

‘Tobacco bus’ seized in major haul in Muharraq


Bahraini authorities have confiscated around 434 kilograms of Indian made chewing tobacco in Muharraq and Juffair.

The move follows a notice received by the department of health on September 10 from First Lieutenant of the Customs Affairs noting that a group of Asian nationals were storing substances made of tobacco in Muharraq and is using a bus to distribute them to commercial stores. They were also running a restaurant constructed with wood in Juffair. 

A law enforcing team was formed immediately along with an anti-smoking group including Hussain Al Rayes, Salman Faisal, Customs Lieutenants and Muharraq police. After trailing the district in Muharraq, the team took into custody a bus loaded with prohibited tobacco substances from the area. Raiding a store there, as authorised by public prosecution, the team also confiscated around 434 kilograms of Indian made chewing tobacco Tumbak and Pan in addition to raw materials and equipments used for its manufacturing. 

The team also raided the restaurant, which was unlicensed and found to lack minimal health requirements. Several health violations were also detected during the raid such as unauthorised preparing and serving of meals and selling banned tobacco substances and their alternatives as well as loose cigarettes. 

Substances weighing 51kg were confiscated and legally established procedures were taken against the offenders who were referred to public prosecution after interrogation.

The Health Ministry conveyed their sincere gratitude and appreciation to the customs lieutenants and the Muharraq police on this fruitful collaboration, which aims to protect the nation, citizens and residents from the lethal plight of tobacco.

It is noteworthy that the Bahrain has banned these substances considering their high toxin content, harmful effects of addiction, cancer and death, which is why the Health Ministry urges the public to cooperate with the anti-smoking inspectors and report any violations.