*** BD300 fine for illegally transporting students | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

BD300 fine for illegally transporting students

The Lower Criminal Court recently fined a Bahraini man BD300 for transporting school students using his minibus without obtaining permission from the concerned authorities.

According to court files, the man was initially fined BD100, but he appealed the verdict, hoping that he would receive a lighter sentence and claiming that he can’t afford the fine. When he was asked by the judges as to why he transported school children without a licence, the man failed to provide an acceptable excuse, and pleaded that he’s unable to pay the BD100 fine citing his poor financial condition.

However, the court decided to triple the fine against the defendant, considering the gravity of the offence committed, and informed him that he has to pay BD300, according to Prosecutors. The judge informed the defendant that he will have to spend two months behind bars if he failed to pay BD300.

Much to the irony, the defendant took out BD300 from his wallet and paid, after policemen at the gates of the court hall informed him that he would be taken to jail immediately if he didn’t pay the fine.