*** Fine raised from BD100 to BD1,000 | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Fine raised from BD100 to BD1,000

A private transportation company’s drivers got their BD100 fine multiplied by ten times when they objected the court order. This came as the drivers were convicted of illegally transporting passengers in the Kingdom, while the license available to them by the Transportation and Telecommunications Ministry allows them to transport passengers outside Bahrain only.

The court initially fined each driver BD100 for the offence, but the defendants objected the sentence and refused to pay the fines. In their defence, the drivers said the company they worked for is a public transportation company. However, they didn’t mention that the licence granted to the company prohibits it from offering passengers transportation services to customers inside Bahrain.

The court rejected the drivers’ objection and fined each of them BD1,000. The drivers immediately paid the multiplied fine at the court before exiting. One of the drivers paid BD2,000 as he received two different fines.

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