*** Kingdom ranked fourth in Competitiveness Report | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Kingdom ranked fourth in Competitiveness Report

Bahrain has achieved a new advanced global rating by assuming the fourth most secure place among 141 countries in the Global Competitiveness Report, it was announced at the World Economic Forum. The Kingdom of Bahrain was next only to Finland, Singapore and Iceland.

Bahrain advanced to the third position internationally for tackling organised crime, fifth for its meritorious police service, and seventh in reduction of murder crime rate in which Japan topped the list followed by Luxembourg. The report measures 12 themes including four sub-indexes. It adopts 70 per cent indexes based on statistic data and 30pc questionnaires. The report adopts the methodology of inclusion of latest statistics from international organisations and investigative studies.

The report also developed the methodology in co-operation with senior experts and practitioners through advisory process spanning three years to support countries around the world in setting the relevant policies and practices. The World Economic Forum is an international organisation in association between the public and the private sectors in which key political and cultural community and other leaders participate in drafting international, regional and industrial agenda.

The WEF was established in 1971 as a non-profit making institution known for its full independence and impartiality