*** Pakistan’s pavilion attracts huge interest | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Pakistan’s pavilion attracts huge interest

Pakistan pavilion at the Bahrain International Defence Exhibition and Conference (BIDEC) with display of two state-of-art armour personnel carrier (APC) has created huge interest among top-ranking officers and officials and visitors.

BIDEC 2019, which concluded yesterday, has emerged a unique platform for the military and defence production industry from across the globe to showcase military armaments and vehicles used by the defence personnel. “We at BIDEC 2019 are displaying Predator special operations vehicle (SOV) and Interceptor 4X4 a light protected security vehicle,” Brig Retd Mohammed Khalid, Director at the Cavalier Group, said.

Commander-in-Chief of Bahrain Defence Force (BDF) Field Marshal Shaikh Khalifa bin Ahmed Al Khalifa has also toured Pakistan Pavilion and took keen interest in the military vehicles being displayed.