*** ----> Woman on trial over fake marriage contract | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Woman on trial over fake marriage contract

The High Sharia Court ruled in favour of a Bahraini man, whose wife collaborated with a marriage officer to falsify their marriage contract. The woman demanded a house to live in and this was mentioned in their marriage contract.

However, she, with the help of the marriage officer, made an amendment in the contract, according to which the husband is obliged to buy a house and register it in her name. The High Sharia Court heard the testimonies of the witnesses, who were present at the time of writing the contract of the marriage and they confirmed that there wasn’t such a condition discussed and agreed upon.

The husband himself told the court that it would be absurd to put himself under such condition as he didn’t own a house. “How I can register a house under her name and I don’t have one?,” he stated. The man’s lawyer explained: “The woman wants to get divorced. She wanted to get benefits that she wasn’t entitled to.

“Therefore, she forged the marriage document in an effort to get a house beside a monthly wage. “She said this was a condition in the marriage contract, which wasn’t true.”