*** ----> Support to higher education hailed | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Support to higher education hailed

The Ahlia University (AU) will today host its 14th graduation ceremony at the Gulf Hotel Convention Centre, under the patronage of His Royal Highness Prime Minister Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa.

AU Founding President and Board of Trustees’ Chairman Professor Abdulla Al Hawaj extended deepest thanks to HM the King for his patronage and constant support to the university and its staff. He paid tribute to HRH the Premier for his keenness on supporting supporting the development of higher education in Bahrain.

AU President Professor Mansour Ala’ali commended the graduates for their dedicated efforts and hard work to achieve their dreams and contribute to their country’s development and progress. He commended graduates’ families for their support. He stressed the AU attained standing, ranking among the top 50 universities in the Arab world on the QS Index for 2020 and 201 on the Times Higher Education World University Rankings.