*** ----> Three BTEA directors relieved from duty | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Three BTEA directors relieved from duty

An internal investigation into alleged misconduct by a number of employees at the Bahrain Tourism and Exhibitions Authority (BTEA) has concluded. In line with the provisions of the Kingdom’s Civil Service Law, disciplinary committees were formed to investigate BTEA employees’ actions in regard to defamation, administrative irregularities and violations of the Civil Service Law.

Following the conclusion of the disciplinary committees’ investigations, some employees were found to have acted inappropriately and contrary to Civil Service Law in regard to defamation and slander.

Based on the findings and recommendations of the disciplinary committees, which found grounds for disciplinary dismissal and suspension in accordance with civil service regulations, three Directors were relieved from duty. Another Director as well as an additional employee were suspended without pay for 10 days.