*** ----> His Majesty inaugurates Alba Line 6 Expansion Project | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

His Majesty inaugurates Alba Line 6 Expansion Project

His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa yesterday patronised the inauguration of the Alba Line 6 Expansion Project at the Aluminium Bahrain.  His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Crown Prince, Deputy Supreme Commander and First Deputy Prime Minister also attended the inauguration of Alba milestone.

HM the King was received on arrival at the venue of the inaugural ceremony by Alba Chairman Shaikh Daij bin Salman bin Daij Al Khalifa, Acting Chief Executive Officer Ali Al Baqali, senior Alba officials, dignitaries from the Southern Governorate and former Alba senior employees. HM the King expressed delight at inaugurating the Alba Line 6 Expansion Project, which will further bolster the standing of the firm to become the largest smelter with a total production capacity exceeding one million metric tonnes per year.

The King underlined the importance of the milestone, which will enhance Bahrain’s global competitiveness in this important sector, support the national economic development, spur growth and create many rewarding career opportunities for national cadres. His Majesty underlined Alba’s vital role, outstanding achievements and successes since the launch of its operations in the early 1970s as the first pilot project in the region in supporting the national economy, which reflected Bahrain’s drive to diversify the sources of income and create.

The King highlighted the company’s steady grown and performance to reach its desired goals through efforts exerted in managing the operational and marketing operations, stressing the crucial importance of the aluminium sector and its tangible contributions to Bahrain’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP). His Majesty lauded the fruitful efforts of exerted by Alba Chairman, CEO and dedicated employees, which has a positive impacted on the company’s performance and as well as regional and global standing.

The King paid tribute to Bahrainis who run and operate the company, with utmost responsibility and competence, wishing the firm further development and excellence to contribute to the development of local industries and bolster its global standing. “Despite challenges, Bahrain has managed to embark on a comprehensive development and attain landmark achievements in all fields thanks to dedicated citizens,” His Majesty said.

A documentary shedding light on the history of Alba since its inception was shown. HM the King then inaugurated Alba Line 6 Expansion Project, by operating one of reduction cells. Alba Chairman Shaikh Daij presented commemorative gifts to HM the King and HRH the Crown Prince. HM the King toured the photo expo, showcasing the foundation stages of the company.  

Shaikh Daij, earlier addressed the inaugural ceremony, paying tribute to HM the King for patronising the inauguration Line 6 Expansion project, one of the largest in the world after China. He described the giant aluminium industrial project as a source of pride for the Kingdom.  Speaking on the occasion, Brendan P Bechtel, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Bechtel, said amazing results are possible when partners come together as one team with one mission.

“It’s also important to say... great projects are measured by more than just concrete and steel in the ground. They leave a legacy in the form of lasting benefits to the local community and the region. And this is absolutely true for Line 6 as an important pillar in His Majesty King Hamad’s reform project and in line with the legacy that started 50 years ago with the establishment of Alba as the first smelter in Middle East.”