*** ----> Lawmaker denounces US Senator’s undiplomatic conduct during Bahrain visit | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Lawmaker denounces US Senator’s undiplomatic conduct during Bahrain visit

Chairman of the Foreign Affairs, Defence and National Security Committee at the Council of Representatives, Eng. Mohammed Al-Sisi Al-Buainain, has denounced the conduct of US Senator, Chris Murphy, during his visit to Bahrain to take part in the 15th IISS Manama Dialogue.

In this regard, the lawmaker said: “While the Senator justified his visit to the house of one of the convicts as a reflection of his interest in what he called ‘human rights issues’, and which he raised during his meetings with officials in Manama, he was the only member of the Congress delegation to Bahrain who had not visited the two branches of the Legislative Branch, which raises the question of his reasons for that! ".

MP Al-Sisi deplored the Congressman’s abrupt way in dealing with Bahrain’s internal political affairs, noting that this conduct contravenes human rights principles, as well as the requirements of his visit to a sovereign country.

The Representatives Council’s committee chairman stressed that Bahrain is a country that embraces all its citizens, denouncing the Senator’s attempt to play on the unpleasant sectarian chords, which, he said, will find no one across Bahrain to listen to them.

Al-Sisi stressed that such officials should only rally voters in their home country to practise democracy and not come to Bahrain and try to sow divide among its citizens through making false statements without knowing the reality of country, or the real reasons for which the convict had been indicted.