*** Rapid cloud transition | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Rapid cloud transition

Bahrain is on track to become one of the top governments in the world in digital transformation as 41 government entities are transitioning to could computing.  According to Information and eGovernment Authority, the government’s move towards cloud computing transition is rapid.  

“These entities are gradually being transitioned to cloud computing. The benefit of this is numerous. It is expected to improve efficiency and reduce costs. “The iGA is committed to utilise the best and most efficient technologies for the government,” an official from the authority said. The iGA has organised many workshops to improve awareness on cloud computing.

One such recently held workshop was titled ‘Best Government Practices in Cloud Computing’ in collaboration with Microsoft and had in attendance more than 100 specialists, representing 67 government and semi-government entities in the IT field. Successful enterprise experiences were showcased during the workshop in implementing cloud computing solutions of entities under the umbrella of government agreement with Microsoft. 

“Conducting such significant workshop comes in line with iGA’s continuous efforts that aim at enhancing government processes and services more effectively. Supporting the migration of the public sector to work through the cloud in line with the Kingdom’s vision and in order to improve efficiency of this sector, promote greater productivity and will enable the delivery of advanced services though a national cloud system that saves time and effort; in addition to deliver high-level of security and less operational efficiency,” iGA stated.

Last year, Bahrain’s Information and eGovernment Authority (iGA) and Kuwait’s Communication and Information Technology Regulatory Authority (CITRA) signed an MoU in the field of cloud computing. The MoU, following the Cabinet’s approval and in line with relationships between both countries, facilitates government processes, increases efficiency and contributes in speeding the implementation of projects while maintaining security and confidentiality of information and data.

The MoU was signed by Mohamed Ali AlQaed, Chief Executive of iGA, and Salim Muthib AlOzainah, CEO and CITRA Board of Directors Chairman.