*** ----> Inmate ‘gets more jail’ for pouring tea on policeman | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Inmate ‘gets more jail’ for pouring tea on policeman

The High Criminal Court has sentenced an inmate to one additional year behind bars for pouring tea on a police officer. It’s claimed that the defendant caused mayhem inside the prison and the victim went to calm him down.

However, the defendant took the officer by surprise and he poured the boiling tea on his neck, causing serious burns to it. “I was on duty serving at the rehabilitation centre.

Suddenly several inmates started screaming and the person in charge ordered me to go with the victim and calm him down and close the window of the cell.

“While my colleague was trying to close the window, the defendant poured boiling tea on his neck,” a police officer told Prosecutors. The defendant was held guilty of assaulting a police officer.