*** ----> Tamkeen’s key role in supporting the private sector hailed | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Tamkeen’s key role in supporting the private sector hailed

Bahraini businessman Ahmed Al Hujairi said that the Consultation Forum organised by Tamkeen Labour Fund taking place tomorrow December 23 is paralleled with the need of private sector for the enhancement of Tamkeen’s programmes and services in order to boost the national economy.

Mr Al Hujairi, Advisor of Bahrain Technology Companies Society, stressed that Bahrain is going through economy challenges due to low oil prices. This maximises Tamkeen’s role in supporting the private sector and stimulating the national economy. “The Bahraini economy went through difficult times in which many enterprises, especially small ones, were able to sustain with Tamkeen’s support. Otherwise, they will be failed and will not be able for re-establishment,” said Mr Al Hujairi.

Mr Al Hujairi stressed the importance of Impact assessment of Tamkeen’s various programmes and services. He said: “Tamkeen represents the most prominent fund entity in the Kingdom of Bahrain, so it is very important to invest every dinar that Tamkeen pays to develop business and achieve the goals for which Tamkeen was created.”

“Tamkeen’s permanent work to develop its programmes and services aims to keep pace with the rapid changes in the work environment, which are closely related to the development of the ICT sector, where we see modern technical applications such as artificial intelligence, block chain, cloud computing playing a key role in changing the market,” added Mr Al Hujairi.

Mr Al Hujairi highlighted that Tamkeen Consultation Forum comes at a time when the Bahraini private sector is witnessing more supportive initiatives, such as the launch of liquidity fund support, activating the role of the “Bahrain Exports Centre”, allocating a portion of government purchases from small and medium-sized enterprises, implementing the bankruptcy law, and other initiatives that complement with the role of Tamkeen in supporting the private sector entities.

He also noted that industry impact in developing the economic environment in the Kingdom of Bahrain is a participatory process in which all stakeholders of the economic system contribute. In this regard, Mr Al Hujairi stressed that the Consultation Forum provides Tamkeen with an opportunity to showcase its prominent achievements in 2019 and discuss it with Tamkeen’s support beneficiaries.

It also provides a platform to review and discuss beneficiaries’ recommendations on the development of Tamkeen’s services and align it with Tamkeen’s future plans. He also stressed the importance of this forum, which comes in the last year of the current strategic plan 2018-2020, which focuses on the “sustainability” axis that Bahraini enterprises need in the market.