*** ----> Bahrain making ‘great leaps’ in sustainable energy sector | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahrain making ‘great leaps’ in sustainable energy sector

The Kingdom has been making great leaps in sustainable energy sector, which is in line with the implementation of some of the provisions embodied in Bahrain Economic Vision 2030, the Sustainable Energy Authority (SEA) said in a statement issued. The SEA under the leadership of Dr Abdulhussain Mirza, aims to enhance the Kingdom’s position as a centre of excellence in sustainable energy.

“The previous year 2018 witnessed the implementations of many policies and initiatives in the field of the renewable energy and energy efficiency such as the Net Metering policy to allow individuals to produce electricity from renewable sources for their own consumption and selling back to the Government any excess they may have,” the centre said.

“Another major achievement was tendering a solar farm with 100 megawatt capacity and installations of solar systems on some of Government houses and private sector establishments. “The current year witnessed numerous initiatives taken at national level to implement pilot projects in the field of sustainable energy area i.e. both renewables and energy efficiency.

For example in January 2019, the Green Building Code was approved and was published in the Official Gazette, as an important step forward in the history of the sustainability in the Kingdom of Bahrain. “It constitutes a fundamental reference for all sectors in securing future building permits, as it sets the mandatory standards and requirements that are needed in the future before a building permit is issued.

“These will be incorporated in the BENAYAT Computerised system to expedite the approval process.” The Green Building Code will help rationalise energy consumption, by saving 20 per cent to 30pc of energy, water, in the new buildings and helps in preserving natural resources.

It also enables the classification of new buildings according to energy savings. This project was implemented in co-ordination between both the Sustainable Energy Authority and the Ministry of Works, Municipalities Affairs, and Urban Planning, the centre pointed out.

Moreover, the SEA assisted in preparing energy audit studies aimed at reducing electricity and water consumption in some government buildings and some companies, such as ASRY. A framework was also developed for the means of measuring energy in government buildings, where more than ten specialists in energy auditing firms from the private sector were trained to take over the implementation of the recommendations.

On the other hand, the Sustainable Energy Authority has participated in many national, regional and international events to increase awareness and enhance capabilities in the field of energy efficiency and renewable energy, as well as work with public and private schools, colleges and universities with the aim of integrating young people into the sustainable energy market and accompany the rapid progress of technology in the sustainable energy sector.

The SEA is also working with Tamkeen and the Bahrain Banking Association (BAB) to develop mechanisms and criteria to finance sustainable energy projects.