*** ----> Verdict date set in kidnap attempt trial | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Verdict date set in kidnap attempt trial

An Asian man accused of attempting to kidnap an eight-year-old girl will hear the verdict in his case on January 14, 2019. The man is standing trial after a message on social media platforms accusing him of trying to abduct the girl went viral.

However, there are no pieces of proof against him except the statements extracted from the eight-year-old child. Concerned authorities responded to the message published on the social media platforms and arrested the man after the girl identified him in front of her school in Muharraq, according to Prosecutors.

Initials attempts to have the girl identify the man through a line-up failed after she denied the involvement of any of the men accused at the first stage. Later, she claimed the man standing trial tried to abduct her at the end of the school day. Nevertheless, the defendant’s lawyer argued that his client has been going to the school everyday to pick-up his daughters.

He said during his closing argument that it was irrational that the man would even think of kidnapping her, pointing out that nobody on the road heard her screams after she ran away from him. A teacher serving at the same school also told the court that she dropped the girl to her house after she told her that someone tried to kidnap her.

But she said that she didn’t see anything by her own eyes, confirming that the accused Asian man has a daughter studying at the same school and they used to see him picking up her.