*** Rising power bills forcing shops to close down: MP | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Rising power bills forcing shops to close down: MP

The increase in electricity and water prices is forcing many shops and businesses to close down, a parliamentarian observed. MP Abdullah Al Thawadi said that the increase in electricity and water prices came at a time when the economy has taken a downturn. He urged the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Trade to study the issue and find a remedy.

However, there are no official numbers from the part of authorities or market research firms as to how many shops have been closed down owing to high power bills. Meanwhile, a source from the ministry said that it is ready to carry out a study in co-operation with the Bahrain Chamber of Commerce and Industry to determine the reasons for the closure of some shops.

In another development, parliamentarians are in their best efforts to reduce the power bill burden from societies that support differently-abled. According to a proposal by a group of MPs, the societies should be completely exempted from paying the utility bills. “The welfare of the special needs population of the country is of great interest to the Kingdom.

Enabling their care could mean supporting the societies that support the disabled,” the explanatory note of the proposal stated.  “Exemption from electricity and water bills for these societies will directly benefit the people with special needs,” the note stated. Reportedly, senior MPs including Parliament Speaker Fawzia Zainal have signed the proposal.

A number of societies supporting special needs citizens have welcomed the move, stating the such a step would greatly help them. The burden of high electricity and water bills have been the hot topic of discussion in recent weeks. Citizens and residents have complained that the utility bills this year have been extremely high in the past few months.