*** ----> 13 babies born at SMC on New Year Day | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

13 babies born at SMC on New Year Day

Bahraini baby boy Haider Hassan was born at 12.00 am on New Year Day.

Thirteen babies were born in the Kingdom’s largest hospital in the first 12 hours of the New Year. Bahraini baby boy Haider Hassan was the first to be born in 2020 at Salmaniya Medical Complex. He was born at 12:00 am.He was soon joined by another Bahraini boy Ali Mattar, who was born at 12:44 am. According to the Ministry of Health, majority of the babies born on the ‘auspicious day’ were boys.

Statistics revealed that nine boys and four girls were born in the first 12 hours. The third baby to be born was Adam Osama, who was born at 2:05 am. The first baby girl to be born was Mariyam Ibrahim. “The maternity ward confirmed the birth of 13 babies in the first 12 hours of new years day. This includes nine males and four females,” the Ministry of Health stated.

 “The ministry congratulates all families on this joyous occasion,” “The ministry congratulates all families on this joyous occasion,