*** Woman staff ‘embezzled BD112,000 from public hospital’ | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Woman staff ‘embezzled BD112,000 from public hospital’

A public hospital female employee, who was sentenced by the High Criminal Court to three years imprisonment for embezzlement, has lost her appeal.

The woman was sentenced to three years imprisonment earlier for embezzling over BD100,000 from Jidhafs Maternity Hospital, where she worked, by forging documents.

The woman was sentenced by the court, which also ordered her to return the BD111,708 that she took from the hospital. As reported earlier, the woman landed in police custody following an investigation into a complaint filed by the Health Ministry officials. The ministry, following an audit, found unusual shortages in the institution’s revenues.

The Public Prosecution immediately looked into the ministry’s claims and found that the records and documents were forged. Further investigation led to the suspect. The woman pleaded not guilty. She was convicted by the court of embezzlement and forging official documents, according to Public Prosecutors.