*** ----> Strong Egypt ties stressed | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Strong Egypt ties stressed

Speaker of the Council of Representatives, Fawzia Zainal, has affirmed that the deep-rooted Bahraini-Egyptian ties are a distinguished role model for relations between countries.

In an interview with the Egyptian “Al Akhbar” newspaper, the speaker stressed that Bahraini women are lucky because the kingdom’s leadership believes in the importance of their role and influence in society, and therefore paved the way for them to assume their responsibilities in building the nation.

They are also lucky because the Bahraini citizens have a long history of civilisational and cultural awareness, which helped women to participate in public life with confidence and competence, she added.

She indicated that Bahraini women had joined public education as early as the 1920s, and then obtained the right to political participation, stressing that after His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa’s Accession to the Throne in 1999, HM the King’s Reform Project was launched, and provided Bahraini women with all the legislative and legal tools that have consolidated their role, and contributed to their success in attaining multiple national achievements.

The speaker asserted that the Bahraini Women’s Day is celebrated every December 1 to highlight the Bahraini women’s achievements across various fields, noting that Bahraini women have become basic partners in the kingdom’s sustainable development march, alongside men.

She affirmed that Bahrain has become a leader in ensuring women their full rights thanks to the National Action Charter which guaranteed their effective participation in public life, which enabled them to prove their distinguished abilities, citing the election of the first woman at the helm of the Council of Representatives, the success of six women to win six seats at the elected Representatives Council, and the appointment of nine women as members of the Shura Council.

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