*** ----> Two years jail for fatal mishap death driver | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Two years jail for fatal mishap death driver

A driver who’s involved in a deadly accident that occurred earlier this year while under the influence of alcohol and drugs was yesterday sentenced to two years imprisonment, it was announced.

According to a statement issued yesterday by the Public Prosecution, the defendant rammed into three people, killing one of them on the spot, and leaving the other two in a critical condition.

Traffic Prosecution Chief Mohammed Al Dhahrani confirmed in the statement that the defendant was sentenced by the Seventh Lower Criminal Court to two  years imprisonment for driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs, adding that he also damaged private properties beside causing the death of the victim and injuring the other two.

Mr Al Dhahrani added that the Public Prosecution probed the incident after being notified by the General Directorate of Traffic in Interior Ministry, interrogated the defendant and ordered his detention, before referring the case to the concerned court, which announced its verdict yesterday.

No further details on the nationalities of the defendant or the victims were disclosed.