*** ----> Energy Minister reaches out to citizens | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Energy Minister reaches out to citizens



Energy Minister Dr. Abdulhussain bin Ali Mirza said that direct communication with the people and to listen to their complaints were a key to the EWA providing top class and quality services. “Such a dialogue would also help improve services wherever needed.”

 The Minister was speaking with a number of citizens to listen to their comments and suggestions regarding power and water supplies yesterday. Electricity and Water Authority (EWA) Customer Affairs Director Sheikh Ibrahim bin Mohammed Al Khalifa was also present on the occasion.

 Stating that comments and suggestions were always welcome, Dr. Mirza said anyone could come to his office at any time in this context. “This is according to the directives of Prime Minister HRH Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa, who had always emphasised the importance of an Open Doors Policy for all citizens.”

 The citizens thanked the Minister and praised the EWA’s Open Doors Policy. The Energy Minister said such meetings were an on-going process and would be repeated periodically. He said anyone wishing to meet him could call up his office on 17996777 to arrange a suitable date and time for the meeting.