*** ----> UAE educational delegation hails Bahrain’s strides | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

UAE educational delegation hails Bahrain’s strides

A UAE delegation visited the Kingdom to get updated about the Education Ministry’s plans to to enhance services and promote planning, international co-operation, financial and legal affairs.

The delegation which represented the UAE Ministry of Education were updated on legal affairs, administrative investigation procedures, quality assurance and governance of educational institutions, financial measures, as well as efforts to bolster co-operation with international organisations and activate memoranda of understanding and agreements.

The delegation also paid visits to the Oqba bin Nafea Primary Boys School and the Ghazi Algosaibi Secondary Girls School where they were updated on projects, achievements, school work assessment, leadership and management and the insertion of autistic students. UAE Ministry of Education Director of Financial Resources Obaid Hameed Al Qaoud hailed Bahrain’s strides and efforts to develop the sector of education, stressing keenness on exchanging visits.