*** ----> Asian given three years sentence for beating cops, resisting arrest | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Asian given three years sentence for beating cops, resisting arrest

The First High Criminal Court has sentenced an Asian man to three years imprisonment and fined him BD3,000 after finding him guilty of assaulting policemen as he resisted arrest. Court files showed that the man was convicted of consuming drugs and was wanted after being handed down a six month imprisonment sentence at the time of incident. While apprehending him, he attacked the two policemen who were attempting to handcuff him.

A second defendant involved in the case, a female European national, received one-year imprisonment sentence and was fined BD1,000 for consuming drugs. They were both ordered to be permanently deported after completing serving their imprisonment sentences. The incident dates back to October 17 last year, when the Anti-narcotics Directorate in Interior Ministry was tipped-off about the location of the man, who was wanted in a drugs abuse case. A force of two civilian policemen moved to the man’s residence to arrest him.

The defendant, who was apparently smoking hashish with his girlfriend, the second defendant, tried to shut the door by force at the time the policemen reached his doorstep to prevent them from entering, according to Prosecutors.  According to cops’ testimonies, the defendant resisted arrest by beating one of the policemen and caused injuries that included bruises and cuts.

The policemen also told the interrogators that the defendant disposed of a piece of hashish in the toilet and while resisting the cops he yelled at his girlfriend to do the same and get rid of the remaining.
However, the European lady didn’t move and abided to the instructions of the policemen. Pieces of hashish, pipes and other tools used to consume drugs were confiscated from the house of the defendant.
Additionally, urine and blood tests proved that both defendants were consuming hashish.