*** ----> Plans in place to 'boost crackdown on' illegal donation collectors at mosques | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Plans in place to 'boost crackdown on' illegal donation collectors at mosques

The government is implementing a crackdown on unlicensed donation collectors at mosques, it emerged.   

Donation collectors who visit mosques to fundraise, need to have a permit for doing so, according to Labour Ministry sources.

The measure is being taken to protect legitimate charity organisations and curb illegal fundraisers.

The Ministry of Labour has decided to intensify its crackdown on organisations amidst increasing violations, the ministry said.

The ministry stated that obtaining required permit is compulsory and violators will face consequences. 

The ministry also urged any NGO wanting to send money abroad need to obtain a permit as well.

Exploiting children by having them collect money on the roads and public places would also not be tolerated, the ministry stated.

"Fundraising should be done in accordance with the laws and regulations of the country. Those who break the law will face action." 

The ministry stressed the need to abide by legal measures to obtain the necessary licences before collecting donations, in compliance with the legal provisions governing fundraising for public purposes.

The mandatory procedures are in compliance with the law-decree 21/ 2013 on regulating fundraisers for public purposes, edict 47 / 2014 on issuing the executive bylaw for law-decree 21/ 2013. 

The ministry urged all individuals who are raising funds or receiving donations for religious purposes – such as alms-giving, mosque construction, persons in their capacity as clerics etc - to report and apply for a licence as per the formula put at their disposal.

The Directorate of Religious Affairs has been assigned to receive applications and issue licences by filling in the application form.

Competent authorities will facilitate procedures and guide the applicants to all that meets the public interest and serves all parties.

The ministry stressed the terms cited in the decree to regulate donations which are raised in Bahrain or abroad so as to serve society as well as religious and charity institutions.

It underlined its role, ever since the promulgation of the aforementioned law-decree, to streamline procedures and facilitate measures to ensure maximum benefit for those desiring to raise donations, adding that it has since received a lot of applications.

The ministry underscored the importance of regulating fundraisers, stressing its role in enforcing transparency in collecting funds and donations, conserving charities, and ensuring raised funds are not misused for illegal ends. 

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