*** ----> China ‘confident and capable’ to totally defeat corona threat | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

China ‘confident and capable’ to totally defeat corona threat

China is effectively implementing all measures to contain the threat caused by the novel coronavirus in the country, said Mr Anwaer, Chinese envoy to the Kingdom, while speaking at a press conference held at the InterContinental Regency yesterday. “Following the outbreak, the Chinese government mobilised all resources to tackle the threat. Chinese President Xi Jinping made important directives. On the first day of the Chinese Lunar New Year, he presided over a meeting of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee to restudy, redeploy, and remobilise the epidemic prevention and control work,” the envoy said.

“Chinese Premier Li Keqiang rushed to the front line of epidemic prevention and control work in Wuhan to further study and deploy to strengthen prevention and control work. At present, China has built an all-round and multi-layered prevention and control system focusing on Wuhan and Hubei from the central government to the local level. Its work in all aspects is open and transparent, and it is advancing in a scientific and orderly manner,” he highlighted.

He said the Chinese government has always put the people’s lives and health in the first place, exerted its institutional advantages of focusing on major events, and used the nation’s strength to fight the epidemic. “It has adopted the most comprehensive and stringent prevention and control measures, many of which go far beyond the International Health Regulation (IHR). In order to control the epidemic as soon as possible and bring the situation back to normal, we have adopted a series of extraordinary decisive measures.

“The Chinese government and the army urgently dispatched medical staffs and expert teams to assist Wuhan City, the core area of the epidemic; Wuhan City has temporarily closed all the exit passages, temporarily suspended the city public transportation, which effectively suppresses the spread of the epidemic; two special hospitals for infectious diseases have been established in the shortest time to focus on the isolation and treatment of confirmed patients. “The 1.4 billion Chinese people consciously responded to the government’s call to cancel all kinds of Chinese Lunar New Year party activities, not to go out, not to be contagious, and not to increase chaos. “They supported the fight against the epidemic with practical actions and expressed their patriotism.

Faced with a severe epidemic, we demonstrated Chinese speed, Chinese efficiency, and Chinese spirit.” Mr Anwaer said China has always been proactive carrying out international co-operation in epidemic prevention and control in an open, transparent, co-operative, and responsible manner, adding that it has notified the World Health Organisation (WHO) and other countries of the outbreak information in a timely and proactive manner. “China has taken the initiative to invite WHO experts to visit Wuhan, and Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus to visit China. Many countries and international organisations have highly praised China’s epidemic prevention and control measures.

” Although the epidemic situation is complex and serious, the prevention and control work is gradually achieving effective results. Although the number of novel corona virus pneumonia infections is high, with the unremitting efforts of China, the mortality rate of the novel corona virus epidemic in China is very low, only about 2.1 per cent, far lower than other previous epidemics such as SARS, MERS, and H1N1 influenza, a statement issued by the China Embassy in the Kingdom said. “From February 1, the number of cures began to exceed the number of deaths. As of February 4, a total of 892 discharged patients were cured. I believe the epidemic will usher in an inflection point. We are confident and capable to defeat the epidemic,” the statement added.

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