*** Prosecutors deny newspaper claims | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Prosecutors deny newspaper claims


The Public Prosecution has denied a report in an Arabic daily, which said a man was held for burning the Israeli flag. 

Chief Prosecutor Hamad Shaheen said in a statement publicised by the Prosecution yesterday that “the Public Prosecution did not bring any accused to the criminal trial for demonstrating over foreign political reasons”.

Denying what the newspaper published last Friday, Mr Shaheen said the Prosecution’s database showed that the defendant, along with others, was involved in an illegal gathering and arson case.

“The record of this incident did not include any indication of the burning of the flag of a country, as it became clear that the description of the accusation against the defendants by the Public Prosecution had nothing to do with the published news,” Mr Shaheen clarified.

The Chief Prosecutor added: “One of the two defendants claimed in his statements in the police report that the participants with him in the incident burned the flag of a state while committing the crime, in addition to blocking the road.

"This was repeated when he was interrogated. However, it was not proven by the testimony of witnesses heard by the Public Prosecution.

"The accused appeared before the court, but he denied this particular accusation.”

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