*** ----> Arab health ministers discuss COVID-19 outbreak | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Arab health ministers discuss COVID-19 outbreak


The Arab health ministers yesterday called for an emergency meeting of experts to review plans and exchange expertise on combating the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). The ministers issued a pan-Arab statement, calling for the experts’ emergency meeting to be held during the second week of March 2020.

The statement stressed the importance of implementing preventive measures to reduce infection rates, taking into consideration the World Health Organisation (WHO) protocols to combat (COVID-19) on the national and global levels. It underlined the need to exchange of information and precautionary plans and step up co-ordination between health agencies and related sectors, in light of the escalating risk of this virus which is spreading in various countries, including some Arab countries.

The statement voiced Arab citizens’ over the mounting risks of virus which spread to various countries in the world, including some Arab states, stressing the importance of co-ordinating pan-Arab efforts and preventive measures to contain the epidemic. The communique praised the proactive steps undertaken by China to combat the disease, expressing confidence in the ability of China to overcome the plague and  taking efficient measures in support of international efforts to prevent the spread of this epidemic virus. It also voiced solidarity with China, reiterating support to the efforts exerted by the Beijing Government to combat the virus outbreak. 

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