*** ----> BDF fully prepared to defend Kingdom: Shaikh Khalifa | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

BDF fully prepared to defend Kingdom: Shaikh Khalifa

TDT | Manama

Bahrain’s armed forces are fully-prepared and vigilant to defend the Kingdom’s land, air and sea borders, said Field Marshal Shaikh Khalifa bin Ahmed Al Khalifa. Bahrain Defence Force, the BDF Commander-in-Chief said, will remain the fortified shield and the bulwark against whoever seeks to tamper with the homeland’s security and stability, in line with the vision of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, the Supreme Commander. The Field Marshal, during an inspection visit to a BDF unit in the Southern Governorate, also emphasised that the “Kingdom will always remain, as it has always been, a land of love, good, security and harmony.”

Thanks to the constant care and sound directives of HM the King, the Supreme Commander, the BDF has reached the highest levels in terms of competence, armament and training that match those of developed armies, Shaikh Khalifa said. Shaikh Khalifa asserted that BDF is a force of peace, noting that it spares no effort to strengthen the pillars of security and stability and support the nation-building process. The commander-in-chief further expressed his pride in the role played by the Kingdom’s armed forces to serve the nation and protect its achievements and capabilities, in line with the precepts of the Islamic religion, and to serve HM the King and the cherished nation. Shaikh Khalifa urged BDF personnel to remain dedicated to carrying out the tasks assigned to them to achieve the highest levels of readiness.

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