*** ----> Traffic: An online application for "wrong parking" violations soon | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Traffic: An online application for "wrong parking" violations soon

Brigadier General Sheikh Abdul Rahman bin Abdul Wahab Al Khalifa, General Director of Traffic Department stated that the administration recorded a remarkable decrease in traffic accidents compared to last year by 14%, which reflects the traffic awareness that characterizes road users in the Kingdom of Bahrain, and their commitment to traffic regulations and rules as violations decreased by 22 % After it negatively affected the traffic safety and traffic flow level.
He pointed out that the General Traffic Department, working in accordance with the directives of His Excellency the Minister of Interior, to achieve the safety that comes thanks to the decisions issued by the Traffic Council headed by His Excellency, which achieves cooperation and partnership with government and private agencies, civil society organizations and members of society and is one of the principles of work in the Ministry of Interior as it constitutes Community partnership is a distinguished model in the relationship between the traffic man, the citizen, and all groups of society, adding that this partnership began to deepen through the praise and appreciation of traffic men from all groups of society for the roles they play around the clock in all roads Q Weather.
He pointed out the importance of the step taken by the General Traffic Department to honor committed drivers throughout the year after it was confined to honoring the traffic week for exemplary drivers who did not get traffic violations and did not cause accidents, among them the youth segment to be a positive example for the rest of the drivers in adhering to traffic rules.
The Director General of the General Traffic Department explained that the traffic work system witnessed a remarkable development in providing traffic services electronically and increasing the effectiveness of the electronic application in cooperation with the Information and Electronic Government Authority.
As the number of completed electronic services in 2019 reached more than half a million transactions, and the number of service centers for the public administration reached Traffic to 6 centers in all governorates of the Kingdom to facilitate the provision of services that require a personal presence, as well as 9 offices to initiate traffic accidents to ensure the speedy completion of accident reports that were linked electronically and directly with vehicle insurance companies.
The General Traffic Department has made great strides in launching more technical inspection service centers in cooperation with the private sector with the aim of providing this service in all governorates to accommodate the increasing numbers of vehicles.
He revealed the near launch of an application related to the monitoring of violations by citizens and residents starting from the wrong parking violation in the presence of increasing notes about this violation, and the new electronic application will address this violation and contribute to its decrease in light of the existence of societal oversight on the wrong parking violators.
Brigadier Sheikh Abdul Rahman bin Abdul Wahab Al Khalifa expressed his pride in the merit that women’s periodicals proved after activating them within the regular daily periodicals and directing minor traffic accidents.
The Kingdom of Bahrain is one of the leading Gulf states in this aspect, an expression of the Ministry of Interior’s interest in women’s cadres, and the role of Bahraini women in Partnerships with men in the performance of their national and career duties.
He pointed out that the General Directorate of Traffic and through its renewed awareness projects are constantly connected with all age groups in society and in various languages to deliver the educational message.