*** ----> Public Prosecution announces that all requests from auditors are to submitted electronically | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Public Prosecution announces that all requests from auditors are to submitted electronically

Attorney General Haroun Al-Zayani, head of the technical office of the Attorney General , stated that it is a continuation of the Public Prosecution’s plan to develop the work system to receive requests for stakeholders and auditors and decide on them by expanding the use of the electronic system and urging the use of services made available by the Prosecution through its website, the Prosecution recently. In addition, by allocating numbers on the WhatsApp application, and an email address to communicate with them through the submission of requests and access to information. 
The Public Prosecution intends to rely mainly on these means to consider and decide on the requests of stakeholders, in accordance with the provisions of the law.

In the same context and within the framework of communication and coordination between the Public Prosecution and the relevant authorities, the Public Prosecution met at its headquarters some members of the Lawyers Association Board of Directors, where it was explained how to use the electronic services provided by the Public Prosecution for them and for auditors in general through the aforementioned means.