*** ----> Appeals court overturns MoE decision to reject PhD | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Appeals court overturns MoE decision to reject PhD

TDT | Manama

The High Appeals Court rejected a ruling which upheld the Ministry of Education’s decision not to approve a PhD certificate earned by a Bahraini citizen from a foreign country.

Court files say, the Education Ministry had rejected the certificate citing lack of authenticity. The ministry said the plaintiff hadn’t received any required guidance to earn the degree.

The High Appeals Court then assigned an educational expert to look into the matter. He confirmed to the court that the plaintiff ticked all the required boxes to achieve the certificate.

The court also confirmed that the defendant took all the exams at the university premises under proper guidance. According to court files, the plaintiff received the certificate in business administration from a foreign university.

The plaintiff claimed: “The Ministry of Education refused to approve it under the pretext that nobody oversaw my thesis and I didn’t attend my exams nor discussed my research at the university. The first verdict in my case upheld the Ministry’s decision.” “Therefore I decided to appeal the initial verdict and this proved fruitful,” he added.

The court overturned the Ministry of Education’s decision, accepting the report submitted by the educational expert. 

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