*** ----> The parliament applies a package of preventive measures | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

The parliament applies a package of preventive measures


In implementation of the directives of His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Crown Prince, Deputy Supreme Commander, First Deputy Prime Minister, to address the Coronavirus (COVID-19), Her Excellency Mrs. Fawzia Bint Abdullah Zainal, Speaker of the House of Representatives, directed the General Secretary of the House of Representatives to implement a package of precautionary measures and preventatives, in coordination with the esteemed Shura Council to ensure the preservation of the health and safety of all members of the legislature and the staff of both houses and the need to prepare for any urgent developments that may be imposed by the current situation.

Her Excellency said that the current and exceptional circumstances require all citizens of the country to join hands and tackle this virus, while stressing the importance of following the instructions and preventive instructions to contain it and limit its spread.

Accordingly, pregnant women employees and employees with special needs were exempted from official working hours and the number of employees present in the council was reduced by 50%, provided that the work is rotated and does not affect the progress of work in the council.

The Speaker of the House of Representatives highly commended the dedication of the national team to tackle the Corona virus, which reflects the distinction of national medical competencies in dealing with the virus in a precise and tight manner, praising her Excellency for the transparency and clarity of the team, and his concern to reassure citizens and residents, issuing health instructions and guidelines, and disseminating them through various means, and in all regions of the Kingdom of Bahrain.