*** ----> Government goes online | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Government goes online

TDT | Manama

Starting this Sunday, all ministries, government departments and public institutions will activate remote working protocol.
The move falls in line with the directives of the Government Executive Committee, chaired by His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, the Crown Prince, Deputy Supreme Commander and First Deputy Prime Minister, to activate teleworking whenever possible.

Announcing the decision, Civil Service Bureau (CSB) President, Ahmed bin Zayed Al-Zayed said distance working aims at reducing the number of employees at the worksites to help contribute preventing the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. The activation will be based on the requirements of work, given that services delivered to the citizens and residents are not affected.

CSB said it will soon issue the criteria and guidelines regulat- ing remote working at minis- tries, public entities and govern- ment bodies.

Home-based working rule, Al- Zayed said, applies to all public sector employees according to the level of emergency and the requirements of work at each entity “provided that it is done by 50 per cent of staff as a maximum.” “Employees shall carry out their duties alternately from home or at their workplaces for two weeks,” said Al-Zayed add- ing that the government bodies will determine the jobs and employees covered by the above percentage.

The decision, however, ex- cludes all non-administrative positions in the vital govern- ment agencies specified by the Civil Service Bureau in coordi- nation with the relevant gov- ernment entities, and as per the public interests. CSB President further stressed that family needs during the sus- pension of classes at educational institutions should be taken into consideration.

He also urged giving priority to elderly and employees with chronic diseases and underly- ing health conditions, as well as pregnant women, and female employees who are entitled to two-hour care leaves.