*** ----> BIPD launches online programme to assist in COVID-19 fight | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

BIPD launches online programme to assist in COVID-19 fight

TDT | Manama

The Bahrain Institute for Political Development (BIPD) announced yesterday the launch of its new electronic programme which features free online lectures and communicates with the public to avoid gatherings.

The program is themed “Political Awareness”, and it comes in line with the precautionary and preventive measures adopted by the Kingdom to combat the coronavirus (COVID-19) and curb its spread. It is also in line with BIPD’s keenness to continue performing its role in enhancing the society’s political development under various circumstances.

BIPD executive director Eman Janahi said that the programme is in accordance with the current trend to invest in Bahrain’s leading technological infrastructure to carry on achievements across various sectors. She noted that BIPD is keen to continue its efforts and initiatives aimed at rehabilitating the citizens for political participation, in accordance with the provisions of the constitution and the National Action Charter.

She stressed that the extraordinary circumstances the Kingdom and the world are going through require everyone to cooperate and adhere to the values of belonging and loyalty to the nation in order to overcome the current situation.

She added that the programme aims to strengthen the values of citizenship, tolerance and peaceful co-existence – which reflects the government’s management of the current crisis and its attempt to contain it – by giving top priority to the interests of the citizens in all the adopted measures.

She called on the public to register for the programme for free on BIPD’s website, www.bipd.org. Janahi said that all lectures will be delivered by distinguished Bahraini media persons and academics via live broadcast technology