*** ----> Keeping workers safe | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Keeping workers safe

TDT | Manama

Private-sector employers must provide preventive face masks and obligate all employees to wear them in the workplace, in order to reduce the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19), a circular issued by the Labor and Social Development Ministry has stipulated.

Employers must also make sure that no worker is allowed on the worksite without the obligatory masks, according to the circular issued to all establishments, companies and institutions in the private sector.

The circular called for the full implementation of the Ministry of Health directives and stressed the responsibility of employers to protect all workers and individuals present in the workplace, as well as in their accommodations, from coronavirus risks.

According to the circular, the employers or their representatives should take the temperature of all workers upon entering the worksites and at the end of working hours when leaving.

In case of a high temperature, the employer is to move the employee away from colleagues and call 444 for closer monitoring and necessary medical care.

The circular also directed companies and institutions to reduce the number of workers at work sites, especially in restrooms, waiting rooms, and dressing rooms, as well as in the vehicles transporting them within the facility and to and from their places of work.

In line with social distancing procedures and with the aim of reducing contacts in the workplace, employers should implement a home-based work policy for male and female employees whenever possible, especially for mothers working in the private sector.

Employers must make sure their employees are kept at a distance of at least two meters from one another and that each employee has a private space of four square meters at least in their accommodation.

Employers must also take the necessary measures to ban the exchange of visits between workers and to have separate buildings that can accommodate at least 10 per cent of the full staff and allocate them for isolation, in accordance with the guidelines of public health for companies with more than 50 workers. These guidelines were to be strictly implemented from yesterday until further notice.