*** ----> 'AGU' holds remote discussions of theses, dissertations | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

'AGU' holds remote discussions of theses, dissertations

 The College of Graduate Studies (CGS) in the Arabian Gulf University (AGU) has recently announced the implementation of a digital strategy to continue its academic activities, in light of the extraordinary circumstances witnessed by Bahrain and the globe amidst the outbreak of the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. This includes the discussion of students' PhD and Master's graduation theses and dissertations through audio-visual means since the beginning of April. 

In this regard, CGS Dean Dr Mohammed Dahmani stated that this step comes within the University's concern to resume the academic process, including teaching and supervising research that is an essential requirement of obtaining PhD and Master's degrees, especially that most students have travelled back to their homelands.

Dr Dahmani further stated: "The University Council had earlier issued a resolution to allow colleges to discuss theses and dissertations remotely, in order not to delay students' academic progress and to assist them in completing the academic requirements on time, as the university continues its teaching activities via distance learning since March 29, 2020; two weeks after the implementation of the quarantine decision. Thanks to its experience, competency and technical capabilities, AGU was able to implement these advanced educational methods without any difficulties."

Dr Dahmani pointed out that that AGU has succeeded in converting the negative side of this health crisis into an opportunity to consolidate the digital culture in all academic and administrative aspects, in light of the fundamental change that the higher education sector is currently experiencing in all parts of the world.

He added that a number of theses and dissertations’ remote discussions are scheduled in the upcoming two months of the school year 2019/2020, at the same time he praised the success of this experiment that reflects AGU's institutional work and its keenness on moving forward in implementing its five-year strategy since 2017 to transform the university into an innovative university.

It's noteworthy that the College has developed an exceptional strategy to secure the teaching process, under the supervision of CGS Deputy Dean in Educational Field Dr Alaaeldin Ayoub. The plan included remotely teaching 64 syllabuses along with providing other educational services.

Dr Ayoub explained: "After communicating with the external examiners in GCC countries and beyond, it has been agreed on the technical and academic aspects that guarantee the quality of the scientific discussions of the theses. During the past three weeks, four PhD and Master's theses were discussed successfully using Skype application."

For his part, CGS Deputy Dean in the Technical Field Dr Mohammed Abido noted that the implementation of such advanced methods amidst the ongoing situation reflects the progression of the university and its innovative teaching methods.

Dr Abido added: "AGU has the professional and technical competency to provide distance learning. This is a result of the university's keenness to serve the interests of students and support their academic affairs, in line with the efforts exerted within the national development processes in GCC countries."