*** ----> Tender Board unit holds meeting | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Tender Board unit holds meeting

TDT | Manama

The Equal Opportunities Unit at the Tender Board held its first meeting for this year remotely, under the chairmanship of the Board’s secretary-general Dr. Mohammed Bahzad. The establishment of the unit is in line with the efforts of the Supreme Council for Women (SCW) to support Bahraini women and enable them to play their role in national development, along with men.

It is in accordance with His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa’s directives to activate the national model to integrate women’s needs in the development and ensure them equal opportunities.

The meeting reviewed a number of topics, including initiatives related to integrating women’s needs, providing supportive services to women to ensure the sustainability of their effective participation, and providing them with consultations in coordination with the SCW and the Civil Service Bureau.

Bahzad asserted that the Tender Board has made giant steps in consolidating women’s roles and developing their leadership skills, adding that women account for 50 percent of the Tender Board’s staff.

He underlined the Tender Board’s keenness to provide all opportunities that enable female staff to prove their distinction and competence, on a par with their male counterparts.