*** ----> Availability of food supplies in Kingdom reiterated | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Availability of food supplies in Kingdom reiterated

TDT | Manama

The Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism reiterated yesterday that there is an adequate food supply in Bahrain and there is no need for consumers to stock up.

This came after a consumer filed a complaint stating that he had purchased a number of goods and foodstuff from a certain commercial store, but after a short period, he noticed that the foodstuff had started to spoil.

He had asked the store to refund their value, the Ministry reported, but the store refused the customer’s request. The Ministry’s Consumer Protection Directorate, therefore, issued a notice informing the public that it is wrong to practice to purchase large quantities of food without the proper planning for the actual need.

It added that storing foodstuff in an environment not suitable for the nature of the commodities could lead to their expiration after a short period. The directorate said that the correct practice is to purchase food supplies only according to the need, as food supplies are available. It stressed that there is no need for the random purchase of goods in the fear of the lack of stock.