*** ----> A message of peace and blessings | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

A message of peace and blessings

TDT | Manama

His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa addressed the nation yesterday on the occasion of the last 10 days of the blessed month of Ramadan. A translation of the address follows: “In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate.

“Praise be to God and peace be upon God’s Prophet, Mohammed, and upon his family and companions. “Dear fellow citizens from all the governorates of our beloved Kingdom, peace and God’s mercy and blessings be upon you.

“We thank God for the Almighty, always and forever, and we pray and supplicate Him in these blessed days of this holy month to accept our fasting, evening prayers and supplications, remove the pandemic and affliction from our homeland, and make Bahrain as well as the rest of the Muslim countries and the whole world safe.

“It gives us great pleasure to meet with you during these blessed days in a new encounter that we hold dearly in our heart, in the context of communication and love that brings us together, based on a benevolent tradition, to renew our congratulations on Ramadan.

“We also congratulate you on the last 10 days of the blessed month, praying to the Almighty for happy returns to our dear homeland and to you all, with goodness, rightness and blessings, and to the Arab and Islamic nations with further dignity, peace and stability.

“Dear citizens and residents in this good country, it has been our tradition at this time of the year to welcome our people from all governorates to our Ramadan majlises that we have always been keen to allocate to receive them as we joyfully mark the month of good deeds.

This is in line with our genuine customs that embody the depth of fraternity and belonging to our Bahraini family that we cherish dearly. “Although the current circumstances have required us to communicate with you from a distance, we assure you that no matter how far distances are, our hearts and souls continue to be close in all cases.

We look forward, with you, to the return of normal life, as we know it, with the help of God Almighty, so that we can meet with you in the near future amid goodness, cordiality, health and happiness.

“Our sense of duty and gratitude makes it imperative for us, especially during these blessed times, to express our deep thanks and appreciation for the collective discipline that we have witnessed among all the people in Bahrain as they complied with the precautionary measures to fight the pandemic and rid our country of it quickly, God willing.

“We find in such a responsible attitude a great commitment to support and ensure the success of the endeavours of the national task force, led by our son, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, and since its inception, by various ministries and state institutions.

“The national task force has been characterised by high levels of seriousness and professionalism, and by impressive results that have inspired and generated immense pride, satisfaction and great dedication to protecting the health and safety of citizens and residents in the Kingdom.

“It is our duty to laud such dedicated endeavours that we will honour deservedly in recognition of the massive sacrifices. We cite in particular those who were on the front lines, standing valiantly with courage, competence and steadfastness.

They are from the medical, health, nursing, administrative, and security, both military and civilian, sectors. We also praise Bahrain’s loyal people and residents who offered the most amazing examples of loyalty, humanity, selflessness, sacrifice, cooperation and solidarity during this pandemic affecting our beloved homeland.

“They have all our gratitude and appreciation, and may God bless their efforts and their tireless and sincere endeavours. We pray to God in these blessed days of the Holy Month of Ramadan to guide you and us on the path of goodness, strengthen the bonds of affection and love between us, and fill our hearts with goodness, optimism and love for everyone.

“We wish everyone living in this dear country a happy Eid filled with goodness and blessings. “Peace and God’s mercy and blessings be upon you.”