*** ----> HM the King urges solidarity to overcome COVID-19 pandemic | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

HM the King urges solidarity to overcome COVID-19 pandemic

TDT | Manama

His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa stressed yesterday the importance of strengthening solidarity for Bahrain to overcome this exceptional phase, praying to Allah the Almighty to lift the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic off the Kingdom and the world.

HM the King was speaking as he received at Al Safriya Palace, in the presence of Royal Court Minister Shaikh Khalid bin Ahmed Al Khalifa, Interior Minister General Shaikh Rashid bin Abdulla Al Khalifa.

The Interior Minister was accompanied by Southern Governor HH Shaikh Khalifa bin Ali bin Khalifa Al Khalifa, Muharraq Governor Salman bin Isa bin Hindi, Capital Governor Shaikh Hisham bin Abdulrahman Al Khalifa, and Northern Governor Ali bin Abd Al Hussein Al Asfoor.

HM the King thanked the Interior Minister and all affiliates, hailing the governorates’ contributions and initiatives to support national efforts to combat the coronavirus pandemic and coordinate with ministries and competent authorities to ensure compliance of precautionary measures.

He commended the governorates for spearheading development projects and community-partnership initiatives to communicate with all social segments and strengthen the values of loyalty and citizenship.

Meanwhile, His Majesty the King also received at Al Safriya Palace Constitutional Court president Shaikh Khalifa bin Rashid bin Abdulla Al Khalifa, Supreme Judicial Council (SJC) deputy chairman and Court of Cassation president Chancellor Abdulla bin Hassan Al Bouainain and Public Prosecutor Dr Ali bin Fadhel Al Buainin.

HM the King hailed the efforts of the judicial entities heads, as well as their dedicated work to serve the nation and people, assume their responsibility to achieve justice, ensure citizens and residents’ rights, defend their cases in compliance with the law, bolster the principles of justice and equality, and protect rights and liberties.

HM the King reiterated Bahrain’s determination to continue assuming its noble mission and promote the values of tolerance, justice, equality, peace and co-existence, wishing all success.