*** ----> House worker gets jail for kissing sponsor’s daughter | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

House worker gets jail for kissing sponsor’s daughter

TDT | Manama

A house worker who tried to kiss his sponsor’s daughter, without her consent while asleep, will spend three years in jail. Public Prosecution accused him of attempting to assault the girl, without her consent, taking advantage of her father’s absence in the house.

The man, an Asian by nationality, was sentenced at the fourth Criminal Court after being convicted of gross indecency charges and charges of sexual assault. The court also ordered to deport the man once he completes his prison terms.

The incidents leading to the case occurred on 5 April 2020. On that day, the girl’s father was away from the home for some personal works. Sensing this as an opportunity, the man, who was asked by the sponsor to do some household chores, instead went to his daughter’s room.

He managed to sneak into her room, undetected, as she was fast asleep. The man tried to assault her by attempting to kiss her on the lips. The girl, however, sensing that she was touched inappropriately, woke up into a shock of her life.

Alarmed, frightened and trembling, the girl shouted for help, managed to wriggle free, and ran out. The girl then called her father for help and told him about the frightening episode. A complaint was filed leading to a police investigation and arrest.