*** ----> Foreign Affairs undersecretary discusses issues with EU Ambassadors | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Foreign Affairs undersecretary discusses issues with EU Ambassadors

TDT Manama

Ministry of Foreign Affairs international affairs undersecretary Dr. Shaikh Abdullah bin Ahmed Al Khalifa held an online meeting yesterday with the accredited Ambassadors of European Union (EU) countries to Bahrain, to discuss strengthening relations between the two sides and exchanging viewpoints on issues of mutual concern.

Dr. Shaikh Abdullah hailed the close strategic relations between the Kingdom and the EU. He also noted that the Kingdom, under the leadership of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, is crucial to maintaining security and stability in the region, protecting maritime security, combatting terrorism in all its forms and eliminating its sources of financing.

The undersecretary reviewed the most prominent measures taken by Bahrain to promote public and religious freedoms and consolidate the value of tolerance, as well as achieve a comprehensive human rights system within the framework of the rule of law and institutions and a developed democratic process.

He noted the preventive measures taken by the Kingdom to address the coronavirus (COVID-19) according to the highest standards of quality and efficiency to ensure the safety of all citizens and residents, calling, in this regard, for developing a global strategy to anticipate and prevent epidemics and disasters.

The Ambassadors commended the development of friendship and cooperation relations between the EU and Bahrain, wishing the Kingdom further progress and prosperity.